Saturday, February 11, 2012

The one thing you can't do in the summer!

With this horrible weather, you can better try to make the best of it! How? Just by doing the one thing you can’t do in the summer: ice skating. Borrow some skates from a cute neighbor kid and then go find a frozen lake.  

Just make sure you play it safe and don’t forget to bring warm clothes, a cap and gloves. If you are an advanced skater, you can try those wonderful moves Michelle Trachtenberg did in Ice princess, but when you are a skate-virgin, you can better try to focus on not falling down.When you are ice-skating you burn more than 400 calories an hour. So after you are finished, you got yourself the best excuse for a delicious cup of hot chocolate. You want the best, most delicious cup of chocolate? Try the recipe beneath!

We all LOVE hot chocolate!
First, fill  ¾ of a cup with chocolate milk. Put it in the microwave and leave it in there for about two minutes (depending on the size of your cup). Then add about three marshmallows and put it all back in the microwave for another two minutes. Add some whipped cream on top and ENJOY!
The right one is how you should NOT do it ;)
Important: watch your chocolate milk when it is in the microwave. Your milk might be boiling and your marshmallows can explode. Unfortunately, this happened to us once. You can see the result on the right side..

What is your favorite winter-experience?


  1. ohh die marshmallowsssss.
    like it ! x

  2. Hahaha ik hoop dat je 'the right side' bedoelt? Wel erg leuk!! Warme chocomelk helpt mij ook altijd als het koud is haha..


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